Meet The Team at BraEasy
Bra Easy is a bra company that provides women with an easy and safe way to get dressed independently. Bra Easy's bras are designed for the woman who desires independence and function at all levels of physical ability, from those living with disabilities to older adults.
Bra Easy was founded by Rachel Whittaker in Australia but has expanded its reach internationally. The company offers their bra in two different one-handed styles with more designs coming, so every woman will find the perfect fit for her needs.
"I invented Bra Easy because I wanted my daughter to be able to dress herself." -Rachel Whittaker
CEO and Creative Director
- Inclusion Advocate
- Bra Designer - The first bra you can put on with one hand and take off with just two fingers.
- Mother of a daughter with a disability.
As a mother I only wanted the best for my daughters. My youngest daughter had a stroke during surgery to remove a brain tumour when she was just nine years old. When she was 15 I realised that because of the stroke she wasn't able to put on and take off a bra. After searching for years and finding nothing, I invented a bra that worked. It had to be beautiful, and it had to be functional. Other options don't cater for you to be able to put it on with one hand easily. What I have invented is changing women's lives across the world. This is what BraEasy is all about. Making the world a better inclusive place for all woman.
Head of Sales